Learning Beyond the Classroom

The LBC Framework articulates Raffles Christian School’s belief and principles that learning should be authentic, experiential and intergrated. The Framework also contains skills for four areas that establish what student should  know and be able to do at the end of their 14-year communication Skills and Teamwork Skills. The LBC Framework incorporates Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) strategy as the core approach.

Any planned learning journey must include the whole process of exploration, engagement and enrichment (EXPLORE, ENGAGE, ENRICH) for the child using the inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) approach. Such guided structure will necessarily develop the four skills that we wish to equip every child with: Cognitive Skills, Research Skills, Communication Skills and Teamwork Skills.

All of the above components are designed to bring about the desired outcomes within the child;

To Learn, To Lead, To Love. Such values are at the heart of the curriculum framework, achieved after going through an education with RCS.



  1. encouraging students and young people in RCS to contribute back to the community and society
  2. equipping the students with decision-making skills
  3. supporting the teachers to successfully implement the Inquiry-Based Learning strategy in order to enchance students learning


The Desire outcomes of this LBC Framework reflect what Raffles Christian School aspires to develop in every child. We want our learners to:

  • Be active and lifelong learners (To Learn);
  • Be influential leaders (To Lead); and
  • Possess sterling character (To Love)