Junior College

Community Involvement Programme (CIP) provides experience for our students to be engaged citizens that have compassion and a heart for others

Learning outcomes

1. Serving

  • as student volunteers time and effort selflessly to help others without expecting any rewards
  • as students actively seek opportunities to help others

2. Nurturing

  • as student shows care and concern to others





BENEFICIARY : Habitat for Humanity, Indonesia

ACTIVITIES                           : Fundraising Drive during the Orientation Days
DATE                                     : July 17 – 19, 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 4,755,000

ACTIVITIES                          : Fundraising Drive during the Independence Day and International Youth Day
DATE                                     : August 16, 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 5,606,000

ACTIVITIES                          : Fundraising Drive during the Language Day and United Nations Celebration
DATE                                     : 24 October 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 1,185,000

ACTIVITIES                          : Fundraising Drive during RCS Games Festival 2018
DATE                                     : 27 October 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 1,273,000



BENEFICIARY                      : Habitat for Humanity, Indonesia

ACTIVITIES                          : Fundraising Drive during the Language Day and United Nations Celebration
DATE                                     : 24 October 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 1,664,700

ACTIVITIES                          : Fundraising Drive during RCS Games Festival 2018
DATE                                     : 27 October 2018
AMOUNT RAISED                : Rupiah 1,452,000